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Sempatkah Nelson Mandela Mengucap Kalimah Syahadah Sebelum Kematiannya?

Adakah Nelson Mandela seorang muslim sebenarnya? Jawapan bagi soalan di atas, anda sendiri yang tentukan di akhir artikel ini. Namun, anda perlu membacanya satu per satu dengan teliti sehingga ke perenggan dan bait ayat terakhir artikel ini.

Dikala jutaan manusia seluruh dunia mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada Nelson Mandela, mari kita lihat kembali sejarahnya, mengimbau memori sejarah yang panjang hubungan antara Islam dan ikon pemimpin dekad ini.

Berikut adalah beberapa peristiwa penting yang menunjukkan senarai pencapaiannya yang menunjukkan interaksi bersejarah dan hubungan erat Nelson Mandela dengan orang Islam.

17 Mac 1992: Lawatan Nelson Mandela Ke Kawasan Muslim Bo Kaap di Cape Town 

Mandela telah mengadakan lawatan rasmi ke kawasan Islam seperti Bo Kaap di Cape Town pada tahun 1992. Beliau disambut penulis dan ahli sejarah terkenal, Achmat Davids serta Sheikh Nazeem Mohammed, Presiden Muslim Judicial Council.

24 Mac 1993: Ucapan Aidilfitri Kepada Masyarakat Islam dari Presiden Nelson Mandela

Dalam ucapannya kepada komuniti Islam, Mandela menyebut, " I have always been particularly attached to the Muslim greeting, I thus greet you in the name of Peace.”

Beliau turut memuji masyarakat Islam, berdoa semoga pengorbanan dan disiplin ketika sebulan berpuasa dapat membantu pembangunan negara ke arah yang lebih baik.

Seterusnya menyimpulkan perutusannya dengan berkata, "On behalf of the National Executive Committee of the ANC and its entire membership I wish you all `Eid Mubarak and may you have a joyous day.”

9 Mei 1994: Amanat Nelson Mandela Kepada Warga Cape Town, Grand Parade , Sempena Perasmian Presiden

Dalam ucapan perasmian, Mandela memberi ucapan yang luar biasa yang telah menggetarkan setiap sanubari yang mendengarnya iaitu, "We can count amongst them Africans, Coloureds, Whites, Indians, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Jews – all of them united by a common vision of a better life for the people of this country.”

10 September 1994: Nelson Mandela Menerima Anugerah Keamanan Sheikh Yusuf dari Wanita Islam Persekutuan

Perutusan Encik Nelson Mandela Untuk Sheikh Jabier dan Masyarakat Islam Pada Majlis Sambutan Kelahiran Nabi Muhammad SAW (Maulidul Rasul)

"Hari ini adalah hari lahir Nabi Muhammad dan pemikiran kami sama dengan kamu dan masyarakat Islam keseluruhannya, mungkin juga di seluruh dunia, dikala kamu semua berkumpul di masjid-masjid untuk memberikan penghormatan kepada seorang pemimpin agama yang unik, yang pengaruhnya terus-menerus merebak ke hampir setiap pelusuk dunia dan negara." kata Mandela dalam ucapannya.

Oktober 1994 - Hubungan Ulama Terkenal, Sheikh Ahmad Deedat dan Nelson Mandela

"Pada bulan Oktober 1994, Ahmed Deedat menerima satu panggilan dari Arab Saudi, ketika berada di rumah beliau. Apabila diberitahu yang panggilan itu daripada Nelson Mandela, Presiden baru Afrika Selatan, Ahmad Deedat dipanggil semula: "Mulanya, saya ingat panggilan itu palsu, dan tak ambil serius. Tapi, apabila saya sedar ianya sememangnya daripada Presiden Negara, saya hampir terjatuh daripada kerusi saya."

Mandela yang ketika itu sedang melakukan lawatan rasmi ke Arab Saudi, memberitahu Ahmad Deedat bahawa ke mana sahaja beliau pergi, semua orang pasti bertanyakan adakah beliau kenal akan Ahmad Deedat. Beliau seterusnya mencadangkan mereka berjumpa pada 6 November 1994 iaitu ketika lawatan Mandela ke Durban. Sayangnya, perjumpaan itu tidak menjadi kenyataan kerana Ahmad Deedat telah pergi ke luar negara, namun beliau sempat memberitahu pemberita bahawa beliau amat berbesar hati tatkala menerima panggilan telefon daripada Presiden Afrika Selatan itu.

Di kemudian hari tatkala Ahmad Deedat jatuh sakit, duta Afrika Selatan mengeluarkan kenyataan berikut:

"Encik Mandela mengambil berat serta prihatin akan mana-mana warga Afrika Selatan yang tinggal di mana-mana bahagian dunia sekalipun. Namun, kes Deedat adalah istimewa kerana dia sangat dihormati, bukan sahaja di Afrika Selatan, malah di seluruh dunia, atas dedikasi dan kerja keras dalam dakwah Islam sejak 50 tahun yang lalu. " (Ahmed Deedat: The Man and His Mission, karangan Goolam Vahed, m/s 18)

Diceritakan juga, Sheikh Ahmad Deedat sendiri pernah menghadiahkan senaskhah Al Quran kepada Nelson Mandela dan menyatakan bahawa hanya dengan Islam beliau dapat menyelamatkan negaranya, Afrika Selatan. Dikatakan ketika itu beliau menolak dengan alasan beliau akan kekal dengan "non-religious."

11 Julai 1997: Kuliah Presiden Nelson Mandela di Pusat Pengajian Islam Oxford

Dalam ucapan yang panjang di pusat Islam di Oxford, Mandela membentangkan ucapan penting yang bertajuk, "Pembaharuan dan Renaissance - Ke Arah Order Dunia Baru" di mana beliau menyentuh mengenai hubungan antara Islam dan umat Islam di Afrika Selatan dan pandangan beliau pada peranan agama di benua kulit hitam itu. Berikut adalah ucapan beliau:

“I am most grateful to the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies for the invitation to share ideas with you. When da Gama finally reached the Indian Ocean, he found navigators there far more competent than himself to guide his expedition, and wisely he relied on them in the same way that I know that I am following where others have opened the way, and that we are amongst those from who we have much to learn.”

“What encourages me to add my humble contribution, is the Centre`s commitment to the promotion of understanding, tolerance and co-operation as essential conditions for advancing the welfare of all.”

He went on saying, “African Muslim polities shared the ambivalence of other states and religions towards the colonial slave trade, protecting believers from the violation of their fundamental rights but also complicit in the trade in human lives.

“In the face of European colonialism, Islamic communities took their place along the whole spectrum of resistance politics, including the struggle against apartheid.”

30 Januari 1998 : Ucapan Presiden Nelson Mandela di Intercultural Eid Celebration

Dalam ucapannya di Johannesburg, Mandela mengucapkan tahniah kepada umat Islam sempena sambutan perayaan tersebut, mencerminkan sumbangan yang mendalam Islam kepada sejarah Afrika Selatan.

"Afrika telah membentuk struktur Islamnya yang sendiri, ketika permulaan apabila Raja Afrika Kristian dari Habsyah, Najasyi telah memberi perlindungan kepada pengikut Nabi Muhammad. Itulah contoh penghormatan dan kerjasama yang boleh dimainkan dengan peranan agama, dan apa yang boleh kepimpinan spritual berikan, dalam menyumbangkan kepada pembaharuan sosial di benua kami."

"Sekarang Afrika Selatan bebas, hubungan komuniti Islam dengan komuniti lain boleh membangunkan dan memperkayakan lagi negara kita tanpa sekatan atau penyelewengan. Mereka adalah sebahagian daripada warisan Afrika kita bersama."

12 April 2010: Perjumpaan Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi dan Nelson Mandela

Semasa lawatan beliau ke Afrika Selatan, ulama terkemuka Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi berjumpa dengan pemimpin Afrika Selatan, Nelson Mandela serta menghadiahkannya beberapa buah buku Islamik dan senaskhah Al Qran kepada beliau.

Sheikh Aidh al Qarni Ajak Mandela Menerima Islam

Dalam surat yang tidak dapat disahkan tarikh, Sheikh Aidh al Qarni telah jemput Mandela supaya menerima Islam.

"Saya salah satu seorang daripada jutaan orang di dunia ini yang telah membaca autobiografi anda, sedar perjuangan anda, mengagumi keberanian, pengorbanan dan ketegasan prinsip anda dan semangat kemerdekaan yang dipunyai rakyat anda, " kata surat itu.

"Oleh itu, saya meminta anda, saya merayu anda, dan saya sangat berharap untuk mendengar pengakuan anda dengan kuat dan jelas, "Lailahaillallah, Muhammad Rasulullah", (Tiada Tuhan yang berhak disembah melainkan Allah, dan Muhammad itu pesuruh Allah). Anda anda menyambutnya, ketika itu jua, seluruh makhluk Allah, yang Maha Berkuasa, di semua enam benua akan memuji anda, bandar suci Makkah akan terbuka untuk anda, Pintu makam suci Kaabah akan dibuka untuk anda, dan seluruh mimbar-mimbar dunia Islam akan menyebut nama anda dengan sebaik-baik pujian."

From: Ayedh al-Qarni

To: President Nelson Mandela

Kindest greetings, Great President,

I am one of millions on this globe who have read your autobiography, realized your struggle, admired your bravery and wondered about your sacrifices and devotion for the cause of your principles, your freedom and the freedom of your people. As a result, we believe, you became a star on the horizon of freedom, an international leader in the school of human struggle and a genius theoretician in the realm of human rights and constitutional law.

People were able to learn from your story of struggle. They also learned from you the legend of glory, the song of persistence and challenge. Thus, you became the father to so many overpowered people who were stripped of their rights, dignity, abused in their own homeland and were deprived a decent living, due to tyranny and oppression. They had seen in you a living example and an excellent model in terms of patience, perseverance, persistence, rejecter to oppression. The model of constancy for more dedication and sacrifices until rights were gained and goals realized.

Great President,

Islam, a religion of truth, is a great religion, which loves and respects great people, honors intelligent people and greets sincere people. Truly, you are all of these.

Islam is the religion of equality; it saw equality between 'Omarm the Arab, and Bilal, the Abyssinian, Salman, the Persian, and Sohaib, the Roman. Islam is a religion that rejects oppression, bans tyranny and abolishes all the differences of color, race and language. Allah the Almighty states in the Glorious Quran, 49:13,

'O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full Knowledge and is well-acquainted (with all things).'

Virtuous President,

Islam receives with honors great people like you as it is a religion that appreciates the true virtue, honors patience, urges the practice of justice, seeks peace, spreads mercy and kindness, and calls for a true sense of fraternity and brotherhood.

Glorious President,

You have truly achieved the best of worldly glory. You have obtained the highest rank of international honor and respect. You have acquired the highest medal of sacrifice. You have been entitled to wear the crown of freedom. I would request you to add to all of the above, the obedience of Allah the Almighty, to acquire full faith into Him and to follow His last and final Messenger Mohammed (May Peace Be upon Him). This will be achieved only through accepting Islam as a way of life. Accept Islam as a way of life to gain full and the utmost security and peace. Becoming Muslim entitles you to dignity and honor in both worlds, this one and the next. It would also entitle you to salvation from Almighty's retribution.

Great President, I call upon you to embrace Islam in order to receive the salute of both; the earth and the heavens in order to be welcomed by over a billion and two hundred million Muslims and to open Jannah, the very ****s of Paradise for you.

Beautiful President,

You would be a true gain for Islam and a real benefit for Muslims. How beautiful would it be to hear the word of Truth, Justice, Peace and Freedom coming out of your mouth; that is,

'La ilaha illa Allah, Mohammed Rasool-ullah', [There is no deity worthy of worship but Allah alone, and Mohammed is Allah's Messenger.]

Indeed, this is the most truthful statement ever revealed by Allah to mankind. It is the core secret to man's happiness, salvation, pleasure and final victory.

Heroic President,

Whenever I met a group of scholars and learned men, leaders, men of letters and wisdom in the Islamic world, they expressed their wishes and desires that, 'How we wish Nelson Mandela were a Muslim!' For you exemplify and embody the real qualities of nobility and honor that Islam enjoins on its followers.

Therefore, I request you, I beseech you, and I do sincerely hope to hear your declaration of Islam loud and clear, the eternal statement, 'La ilaha illa Allah, Mohammed Rasool-ullah', [There is no deity worthy of worship but Allah alone, and Mohammed is Allah's Messenger.] At that time, all slave-servants of Allah, the Almighty, in all the six continents will applaud you, the holy city of Makkah will salute you, the Door of the holy shrine of Ka'bah will be opened for you, and the pulpits of the Islamic world will salute your name in great tumultuous praise.

You have demonstrated patience in prison for twenty-seven long years until you finally broke the shackles, overcame oppression and tyranny and crushed the tyrant. [Great President], Record an epic of faith with your story by your embracing Islam, a journey of courage and bravery with a wonderful final victory of personal heroism.

Honorable President,

By Allah, we Muslims have recognized, in Islam, the true value of man and his honor. We have tasted the beauty and sweetness of faith and felt the joy of being enslaved only to Allah the Almighty alone, which also means our eternal freedom. We have realized the honor of prostration solely to Allah the Almighty. We have recognized the glory of following Allah's Messenger (PBUH). As you are dear and near to our hearts, we Muslims, due to your bright and honorable history, would love you to share with us this in this happy life shaded beneath the tree of Peace and take advantage of this great and eternal religion of Islam.

Just President,

We are sure that you will find all the supreme values you call and struggle for, are themselves embodied under the shade of Islam. You will find, in Islam, the true mercy, which your heart seeks. You will enjoy, in Islam, the true and ultimate justice that you have ever called for.

Islam loves and cherishes those who are patient and perseverant, and you are truly one of them. Islam respects and honors intelligent and intellectual people, and you are truly one of them. Islam respects and values straight and wise people, and truly you are a straight and wise man. Islam celebrates the courageous and brave people, and you are truly a brave and courageous man.

Brave President,

I have enjoyed some beautiful days reading and contemplating your autobiography, 'My Long Journey for Freedom'. I found in it a striking example of your greatness, patience and astonishing bravery. I thought to myself, 'I wish this noble, highly intellect and virtuous man was a Muslim. By Allah, there is no religion, on the face of earth, that deserves more to have a man like you. Moreover, there is no man like you, a man of your caliber, who deserves other than Islam. Islam is the religion of the pure natural creation. I, truly, know no other ideology that honors and respects both the heart and mind, addresses the soul and intellect, purifies the heart and psyche, vindicates morality, honors man and constructs the universe.

Guided President,

I am calling upon you from Makkah, just beside the holy shrine of Ka'bah, where the Glorious Quran was revealed, and Mohammed (PBUH), was commissioned as a Prophet and Messenger of Allah, the Almighty, to the whole of mankind. Makkah is the place where the Light of the Message had first pierced the darkness. It is the place where the pagan idols were destroyed, tyrants were deposed, human rights were declared, oppression was removed and Peace and Justice were finally restored.

Our Lord, Allah the Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran in chapter of

Baqara (Cattle) 6:125,

'Those whom Allah (in His plan) willeth to guide, He openeth their breast to Islam; those whom He willeth to leave straying,'

Sincere President,

Life is far too short and much too arduous. What about the life of such a great man like you? You have spent almost half of your life oppressed and imprisoned, while innocent. Truly, there is an eternal life; a life of happiness and prosperity for those who believe in Allah and follow all His Messengers.

I do sincerely hope that you will not miss such success and happiness! As Descartes; the popular French philosopher, puts it,

'Life is but a play which we had only seen the first scene thereof, the scene of the oppressor and the oppressed, the conqueror and the conquered, the strong and the weak. Where is the second scene in which justice is prevailing?'

Muslim scholars replied to his question as follows,

'The second scene is the Day of Accountability, in the Hereafter. On that Day, Supreme Court of Justice would be set up, as there would be no other judge but Allah the Almighty in order that every soul would be paid what it earned, and none shall be dealt with unjustly. Allah, on that Day, will judge between His slave-servants in their quarrel.'

At the end, it gives me pleasure to present to you my book entitled, 'Don't Be Sad'. I wish you would conclude, as a result, the consensus of scholars and great wise men that the true happiness is truly found in Islam, for there is no doubt.

Great President, I ask Allah the Almighty, the Lord of the Mighty Throne, that He [in His own mystical ways], opens your breast and heart to [accept] Islam, and protects you in this life and the hereafter.

Great President, I wish to convey to you the kindest greetings and regards of all Muslims, men, women, elder men and youth all over the corners of the earth.

Please, accept my [most sincere] regards and utmost respect,

'Ayedh al-Qarni, PhD

Akhir kata, persoalan tetap tinggal persoalan, jawapan tinggal jawapan tak berkepastian. Terserahlah kepada anda semua mentafsirkan segala. Namun, urusannya henya Tuhan Yang Esa itu jua yang Maha Mengetahui. Adakah lamaran demi lamaran syahadatain yang dikemukan oleh ulama-ulama terkemuka dunia seperti Sheikh Ahmad Deedat, Sheikh Yusuf Qardawi dan Sheikh Aidh al Qarni disambut oleh beliau sebelum ajalnya Nelson Mandela menjemput? Wallahualam. 

Apa pun, respek saya untuk ini orang. Beliau sememangnya pejuang. Bukan MACAI! Sekian. [Share|Sebarkan]