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very strong energy field on earth - Makkah, Madinah dan Segitiga Bermuda

Misteri Makkah, Madinah dan Segitiga Bermuda 

Misteri kewujudan Medan Tenaga Terkuat dari bumi menjadi tarikan kepada ejen Dajjal. Satu bukti bahawa Islam satu-satunya agama benar. Melalui kaedah yang sama mereka kini sedang mengesan individu yang mempunyai aura terkuat (tenaga dalaman). Matlamat mereka ialah mengesan satu susuk yang amat menakutkan mereka iaitu Imam Mahadi. Selain dari Imam Mahadi atau Muhammad kedua (kod yang mereka gunakan), mereka tentu sahaja sedang mengintai perkembangan melibatkan kebangkitan tentera Panji Hitam yang dikatakan akan muncul dan bergerak dari timur.

Mereka terus berkerja tanpa henti atas arahan tuan mereka Dajjal Laknatullah. Imam Mahadi dan tenteranya harus dihapuskan sebelum peristiwa "Baiah di sisi Kaabah". Mereka tahu Dajjal tidak mampu menghapuskan Imam Mahadi sekiranya dia berada di dua bandar suci Makkah dan Madinah.. 

Islam adalah agama benar sememangnya telah diketahui oleh agen Dajjal terutama Illuminati, Jesuits dan Freemasons. Penemuan ini memberi bukti kukuh bahawa Islam akan menjadi penghalang utama penubuhan NWO tajaan mereka. Bagi menghalang kebangkitan pasukan Panji Hitam, semua negara Islam di timur Asia harus dikuasai segera. 

Pakistan, Afghanistan dan Iraq sudah menjadi milik mereka. Syria dalam proses terakhir manakala lain-lain negara Timur Tengah sudah dikuasai melalui raja-raja Arab (telah diketahui mereka ini juga mempunyai darah Yahudi dan akur setiap permintaan THH). Hanya tinggal Iran Malaysia, Indonesia dan Brunei. Usaha memprovok Iran sedang berlansung dan hanya menunggu sebab yang sesuai untuk diserang. 

Mereka harus bekerja keras mencapai matlamat ini. Kita tentu maklum negara kita dan Indonesia mula diserang (propadanda dan hasutan). Sejak kebelakangan ini ia menjadi semakin gawat dengan segala macam bentuk gerakan. melalui pelbagai pertubuhan tajaan mereka. 

Umat Islam harus peka terhadap perkembangan ini. Jauhi sengketa yang merugikan kerana mereka memang sengaja mengujudkan perpecahan dan permusuhan sesama kita.

Artikel dari Afterdark dipilih untuk disiar semula sebagai bacaan pengunjung blog ini. Apakah yang ada di tiga tempat ini sama-sama kita hayati untuk menambah pengetahuan. Saya tidak usahankan untuk menterjemahnya supaya isi kandungan asal dapat dibaca sepenuhnya.



So let’s leave the Malaysian politics for a moment and get back to some silly stuff which I really like to share with those who don’t mind reading a bit about paranormal stuffs.

What I about to share with you is a theory by bunch of people (I’m talking about my friends in the watchers group of course) about Dajjal and the earth energy field. But before I go on, I have to explain a bit on why I write this topic from a secular point or view. Otherwise someone might start thinking I’m spreading heresy.Eventhough we in the Watchers Group discussed on Dajjal/AntiChrist a lot, we tried our best to discuss it on a secular point of view. Why? Well the answer is easy. If we start too early with Hadith and Al-Quran as preludes to our argument, then we will end up selling our ideas to only Muslims within the group. The non-Muslims will immediately steer away from the discussion because they won’t be comfortable being presented with religious texts so early in the discussion. Alienating the non-Muslims so early like that would defeat the purpose of dakwah. I mean how could they listen to what we want to say if they abandoned the quorum in its earliest stage, right?  So we usually start on topic they’re comfortable to begin with, and making Dajjal sounded like Science stuff seems to be a good idea. We started out in secular mode, then gradually upgrading our argument to religious mode before finally nailing it with a quote taken from religious texts. The Hollywood has been doing this for millennia. They always started a movie with something secular and non-offensive such as the earth being destroyed by solar flares before moving on to subliminal religious propaganda. The propaganda was subliminally conveyed with the heroes saying something like “the Bible had predicted this.. yada yada yada”. And it works!! The Bible always sounded impressive in the movies. Sadly speaking the Muslims had failed to adopt a better strategy. I wonder why?

Lets go back to what I want to write about. Okay, here’s a quiz? What does Bermuda Triangle and Mecca / Medina have in common?

Tick tock tick tock.. Buuzzzz!!… and your time is up.

Don’t you know it yet? these three places were said to emit a very strong energy field. The Bermuda Triangle had been known to emit strong electromagnetic field whereas the Holy Land is said by Dr, Abdul Baset Sayyid to emit strong radiation energy. Isn’t that interesting? Considering that recently there’s been very interesting theory surfacing about these places that is Dajjal related.

Whenever we talk about Dajjal and Mecca/Medina, we already know about the hadith where it is said that Dajjal is prohibited from entering these two Holy Land. According to the hadith, these holy lands will be heavily guarded by sword wielding angels who scare the wits out of Dajjal from trespassing.

Recently, there has been a very interesting theory about Dajjal and the Bermuda Triangle. Muhammad Isa Dawud in his book “Al-Khuyut al-Khafiyyah baina al-Masikh ad-Dajjal wa Asrar Muthallath Bermuda wa al-Atbaq at-Ta’irah” theorized that there’s a secret kingdom ruled by Dajjal in the Bermuda Triangle. 


I haven’t had the opportunity to read in full the whole book (could someone email the English or Malay version to me?) but I personally couldn’t agree at this time with the gist of Dawud’s argument. I mean, if Samiri is Dajjal and Dajjal is Samiri (Samiri is that mysterious guy who duped the Israelites with the golden calf as the false God during Moses absence) then how come Dajjal hadn’t ruled the world since then?

Secondly, Dawud’s argument didn’t make sense from the hadith perspective. The hadith clearly stated that in the lifetime of prophet Muhammad, the Dajjal is still imprisoned in a mysterious island somewhere and guarded by Al-Jazazah. So unless Dawud can come up with a theory why during Moses Dajjal was a free man and during Muhammad Dajjal suddenly ended up chained in an Island, then I couldn’t entertained the idea that Samiri and Dajjal is the same entity.

Thirdly, whereas it is true that the bull head Satan “Moloch” had been around pretending as God since the days of the Sumerian, the replica of Moloch as the golden calf was only introduced to the Jews during Moses lifetime. Now, we know that Dajjal is a Jew and his parents are both Jews as well. In fact, both Dajjal’s parent are worshipper of the golden calf ever since before Dajjal was born. Therefore the timeline between these two information doesn’t corresponds to each other. If Dajjal parent worshipped Moloch then that means Moloch as a golden calf had already been introduced to the Jews when Dajjal was conceived. But our religious texts sufficiently indicate that the first time the Jews were introduced to the golden calf was in the early days before the Exodus. Therefore, the only sensible explanation is that Dajjal was born after the golden calf had already been introduced by Samiri to the Jews and not before. That alone should be enough to convince us to say that Dajjal and Samiri is not the same person.


However, from a secular point of view it is a conceivable that Dajjal’s island is located within the Bermuda Triangle. I based my idea upon the fact that Bermuda Triangle is known to emit strong electromagnetic field.

Now, one could only be imprisoned if there’s something that prevents him from escaping, right? In the normal world, this usually refers to four walls built around the prisoner. Similarly, we also need a wall or a fence to prevent anyone from trespassing into our yard.

Building a wall is usually the most cost effective and practical method. However sometime the prisoner himself is so dangerous that even four corners of walls won’t stop him from moving in and out. Hence other than having a wall, fully armed security guards are usually placed all over the guarded area. The more dangerous the prisoner are, the more security guards needed to ensure security days and nights.

The fact that energy field is being emitted from the Bermuda Triangle and Mecca/Medina is very interesting if it is true Dajjal’s island is located somewhere in Bermuda Triangle.
The first secular theory about this came from American in the group (hey, he can have his say too because the story of the golden calf and the coming of antichrist is also menti

oned in the bible). His said that it is possible that these electromagnetic shield somehow act as a “wall’ preventing the Antichrist from escaping the Bermuda Triangle. According to him, there’s a medical condition called “neuropathic pain” which could caused extreme pain to some people suffering from “Electromagnetic Hipersensitivity” (EHS). A person who suffers Electromagnetic Hipersensitivity avoids MRI machine at hospital at all costs. They even avoid other normal things such as using the subway and talking via handpone too long.

His theory kind of interesting, but that didn’t answer our question why Dajjal is able enter all places in the world except for Mecca and Medina. Yes, we agreed that if Dajjal suffers from extreme form of EHS than that would explain why he couldn’t escape his temple in Bermuda Triangle and enter Mecca/Medina. But in order for the theory to be conceivable Dajjal had to suffer the most extreme form of EHS which in the end not only prevents him from entering Mecca/Medina, but also lots of other places in this world such as the subways in New York and near every high voltage electric grid in the world. So the EHS thing doesn’t add up to the literal interpretation of the hadith which stated that the only off limits area are Mecca and Medina.

Furthermore, if its true that Dajjal is suffering from EHS, then our problem is already solved. Just erect a few hundreds tower emanating electromagnetic and we’re saved from Dajjal. But we know it won’t be that easy.

Because our American friend had spoken, then it was understood at that time that the Muslims within the group had to come with something better (yet secular) or otherwise we will lose face to the audience. So the theory below was the best I could come up for such a short time.

I think the presence of strong electromagnetic field in these three places are actually caused by the huge presence of inter-dimensional beings. Therefore whereas the American argued that these magnetic fields are the “Wall”, I on the other hand say it was sort of traces produced by the “security guards”.

Why did I say that?

It is a common knowledge amongst paranormal investigators (i.e the ghost hunters) that the presence of inter-dimensional beings could cause a spike in electromagnetic readings. The theory is that spirits as inter-dimensional beings needed energy to manifest themselves and EMF meter may be able to detect this energy. We have seen this many times in television where paranormal investigators always bring with them an EMF meter to measure the derivative (rate of change) of the surrounding magnetic field.


The fact that all creatures in this world emit energy also had been confirmed by the Russians led by Semyon Davidovich Kirlian and Dr. Konstantin Korotkov. Their technique, known as Kirlian Technique and Gas Discharge Visualization technique (GDV) are the breakthrough allowing them to capture by a special camera the mental and spiritual energy emanating to and from an individual, plants, liquids, powders, and even inanimate objects.

If it’s true that the presence of inter-dimensional beings could cause a spike in the surroundings energy, then the same spike could also be caused by the presence of angel in Mecca and Medina because angel by definition an inter-dimensional being too.

I think there’s no need to explain what lead me to believe there’s a massive gathering of angels in Mecca and Medina. I mean, the word “Holy Lands” itself should be sufficient to convey my argument. I have read with interest an article in about inter-dimensional beings and it said there the numbers of angel in this world is so large compared to humans that it would be stupid to put it down in numbers (we’re probably talking about quintillions here). 

Bearing in mind that Angels were made from Light, then according to Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, ‘Light’ itself is the portion of electromagnetic radiation with a frequency range of about 405 THz to 790 THz. This in physics sounded small, but imagine multiplying that with quintillions of sources at one go and we have a theory why Mecca and Medina emitted unusual volume of energy.

I think it can make sense that there’s also a massive gathering of angel in the island where Dajjal is imprisoned. We’re talking about the most dangerous immortal prisoner the world will ever know. If it took a massive army of sword wielding angel to stop him from entering the Holy Lands, then by logic the same numbers are required to prevent him from escaping the island. These not to mention several billions other unholy beings also congregating near the area probably searching for this prisoner as we speak.

However, this theory of mine is totally unsupported by any proof, which make this article as good as reading a cheap science fiction story. I just came up with it because it sounded like a good idea to save face at that time. I mean, if that American can come up with an interesting theory in such short of time, then how embarrassing it would be if none of us Muslims could offer the alternative? It’s all about saving face.. ha ha ha..

The truth is, no one could be sure why Mecca, Medina and the Bermuda Triangle emitted such volume of energy field and whether this has any future correlation to Dajjal. Bermuda Triangle as a place where the island is located sounded like a good possibility because there seems to be a mysterious force of nature there preventing humans from entering it. The numbers of missing ships and airplanes is quite impressive in the Triangle, almost as though as these vehicles were approaching a restricted top secret area where they have to be shot down to protect its secret.  

There’s a mainstream theory saying that the electromagnetic field in the Triangle is so strong that it’s capable of pulling down the airplanes from the sky. This is supported by discoveries of quite a numbers of shipwrecks in the bottom of the sea around the area. Hearing this theory I couldn’t help but remembering what my boss had said about her Umrah trips to Mecca recently. She showed me a video of her and a bunch of other passengers travelling by bus at the outskirts of Medina when suddenly the bus become heavy as though as it was moving uphill. She said this is a common knowledge amongst bus operators in Medina. This area right at the outskirts of Medina (which happens to be the border of Tanah Haram) has the reputation of causing automobile engine to work extra hard. It really does look like the bus was driving through a giant magnet.

Another thing about the Bermuda Triangle that reminds me of the Holy Lands is the Elixir of Life (Fountain of Youth). For those who have read my previous article “The Immortals”, I have explained in there that the Elixir is the real motivation behind Christopher Columbus journey to the New America. At some point when traveling through the Sargasso Sea and Bermuda Triangle, unusual things started to happen. In September 1942 the navigational compass went crazy for almost the whole month and in between of these events Columbus saw a phenomenon he described as “marvelous branch of fire fall from the heavens into the sea” on September 15th. Then on October 11, 1492 He saw another light on the horizon that remain unexplained until today.

There’s been intense debate in the Internet on what could cause the light that Christopher has seen on October 11. It would be interesting to know that prior to the light their navigational system went crazy in September as though as something was preventing them from moving straight ahead. Then after they had safely zigzagging through area, a light appeared in October as though as someone was sending them an emergency flare up in the sky telling them they have missed a an island.

There’s a strong opinion in the group that the Elixir of Life is located in the same island where Dajjal is imprisoned. That could secularly explain the immortality of Dajjal and why Christopher Columbus was instructed to sail there by Queen Isabella of Castile who probably heard it first from Ponce de León (Ponce de León later joined Columbus during the second Voyage just to search for the Elixir of Life).

The Elixir of Life is an interesting subject for me, especially I think about the healing properties of Zam-Zam water in Mecca and the stories I heard about the healing effect the Holy Land has on its population. I don’t know personally whether these stories can be confirmed (I haven’t had enough money to perform Umrah yet) but my mom keep saying that she feels very healthy when she stepped in into the Holy Lands. Currently my mom is planning to perform her 3rd Haj this time with my dad tagging along. My mom is quite convinced that once they both arrive in the Holy Lands, my dad’s health problem will temporarily healed during the duration of the Haj.

The healing property of Zam-Zam water was reported in Saheeh Muslim where the Prophet SAWS (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to Abu Dharr, who had stayed near the Ka’bah and its coverings for forty days and nights with no food or drink other than (Zamzam):

“How long have you been here?” Abu Dharr said: “I have been here for thirty days and nights.” The Prophet SAWS (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “Who has been feeding you?” He said, “I have had nothing but Zamzam water, and I have gotten so fat that I have folds of fat on my stomach. I do not feel any of the tiredness or weakness of hunger and I have not become thin.” The Prophet SAWS then said: “Verily, it is blessed, it is food that nourishes.” (Narrated by Imaam Muslim, 2473).

Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allaah have mercy on him) also once said:

“Myself and others tried seeking healing with Zamzam water and saw wondrous things. I sought healing with it from a number of illnesses, and I was healed by the permission of Allaah. I saw someone who nourished himself with it for a number of days, half a month or more, and he did not feel hunger; he performed Tawaaf along with the other people just as they did. And he told me that he consumed nothing but Zamzam water for forty days and he had the strength to have intercourse with his wife, to fast and to perform Tawaaf numerous times”. Zaad al-Ma’aad, 4/319, 320.

I’m not really sure how earth energy and fountain of youth could correlates to each other. Whether the concentration of earth energy is what caused the healing properties of the elixir of life and the zam-zam water or whether it is the water itself that emits the massive burst of energy. This thing shall remains as mystery.

I do know however that the Luciferians had long equipped their satellite with the GDV technology that enables them to see aura around the world. That is probably the coolest technology ever. Not only they can watch us in night vision mode or infrared mode, they can even see all the way to our soul! Needless to say, the best upgrade of Kirlian and GDV technology could easily allow them to see inter-dimensional beings wandering in our world too.

I think I understand now why Imam Mahadi is just an ordinary men before he reach the age of 40. If God make him special from birth then for sure he can be detected by the satellite as a young boy with highest concentration of aura bursting from within him. It would be very easy then for the Luciferians to zoom in on him immediately and killed him while he’s young.

credit to AfterDark

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