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Malaysia 2013 ?? unleash riots... moslems, ..must read !


There are two Illuminati blueprint which I think should be told to the masses (obtained from local Illuminati defector). The first is regarding our own backyard, the second is more about what will happen in the future which is prophecy about the True Cross. Believe it or not, up to you. Now, what might the Illuminati have for us in less than 10 years in the future? Local anti-illuminati watchers already been told about another blueprint to unleash riots in the Malaysian Capital, and so far I've seen steps already been taken towards this plan assisted by Illuminati Sleepers from both Opposition and UMNO side.

The truth is, Anwar will never ever be the next Prime Minister of Malaysia. No way, the Illuminati will not allow it because it will defeat the RAHMAN prophecy which some believes a sub-prophecy by Thomas Carlyle. Believe it or not if you want, Anwar Ibrahim is not here to lead the Malay, he is being used only to execute the first stage of the plan.

The Illuminati already conduct their research and is well informed that Muslim Governance by the Malay can easily be defeated if all non-Malays united together towards the next polling box.

According to the CIA's 2004 information about Malaysia, the population as at 2004 is was consisting of Malay 50.4%, Chinese 23.7%, indigenous 11%, Indian 7.1%, others 7.8%. In 2008 the figures already changed and by 2013 then we the Malays probably outnumbered by non-Malays by a few percents.

The 50% Malays is further division by multiple political movements. Some supports UMNO, some went to PAS, others are worshiping the Statue of Brahma Anwar Ibrahim while the rests either stand on the fence or joined non-Malays based party such as DAP and other smaller parties like in Sabah & Sarawak.

Therefore in short, if all Chinese and Indian parties leave Barisan Nasional and join forces with DAP, then the non-Muslim league armed with strong financial provision will have enough strength to wrestle the political power from the Malays. And if that really happened then DAP will no longer need PAS and Anwar Ibrahim to fish the supports from the Malays/Muslim Population.

The blueprint revealed what will be done on or before 2013. After the completion of the first stage on the 12th General Election by which Anwar and KJ being pawned by Illuminati to cause the defeat of Barisan Nasional in 5 major states, the next stage in no longer about winning the hearts of the Malays voters but is more concentrated towards winning the hearts of non-Malays voters.

In the next few years before the next general election we will witness this trend growing. DAP and the rest of opposition leaders (including the idiot Anwar) will be vocal in the parliament in their attempt to be seen as the latest kung fu / tamil hero for the Chinese and Indian community. These issues of Ketuanan Melayu, Immigrant Cina, Isu Murtad, Etc will be harped again and again and again with no sight at end. All Illuminist sleepers within UMNO and Barisan Nasional will carried out the mission in tandem with their colleagues in the Opposition.

With the growing attention and supports gained from the younger generation of Chinese and Indian, the Malays supporters from PKR will be abandoned in stages. State's Policy will be made to favor the non-Malays thereafter causing rift and dissatisfaction amongst Malays to PKR and PAS. The depletion of supports towards PKR and Anwar Ibrahim is intentional to weaken the PKR as a major voice of Opposition Front. Like I said earlier, they never intended for Anwar to be the next PM, they're just using him to gain the supports from Malays who put them on seat in Parliament today.

The final stage towards the next apartheid is the racial tension which will lead to riots. The next riots which will happen on the 13th day of that month and will mimic the complete profile of what happened on 13th May 1969. Only this time instead of a clash between a Chinese Youth and the Malays, the clash will be between the Indian and the Malays gangsters pretending to be heroes for their respective races. The riot will bloodiest in the Capital but will have shockwave effect towards the country. The police and army which are dominated by Malays will have to use unthinkable force to control the situation. Their efforts however will not be portrayed as heroics but as instead as tyranny.

The situation within UMNO is not helping either, the Prime Minister will be cornered by the Opposition, the Coalition and even by his own cabinet under the incitement of one of his minister who is a son-in-law of former Prime Minister. Therefore by the time the riots ended, all non-Malays political parties will abandoned Barisan Nasional and swear their allegiance with DAP.

By this time, Anwar Ibrahim, PAS and the rest of Malays in PKR today is no longer needed by DAP. They will be abandoned completely after the winning of the 13th general election. PAS will be accused of being extremist, dangerous and harassed under the law which actually similar to ISA whereas Anwar Ibrahim will finally be affirmed as a fifteen years homosexual sodomist (1997 - 2013). All incriminating evidence previously kept secret by his DAP lawyers will be revealed by unknown source. DAP will now have excuses not to nominate him as Prime Minister despite the fact that the Opposition winning the 13th General Election.

As predicted, with UMNO being abandoned by the Coalition and all non-Malays (and even some Malays who blame the government for being incompetent when handling the riots) voting against UMNO and the Government, more than 2/3 majority in the Parliament will be won by DAP in a landslide majority, reminiscing the glorious days when UMNO under Tun Mahathir.

If things go wrong for us, then after the 13th General Election, the Illuminati will finally control our government. Due to our own stupidity we will have the first ever non-Malay Prime Minister. Secularism and separation of faith from governance will be initiated with the 2/3 Majority to amend the article 3(1) of the Constitution regarding Islam as official religion and due to secularism everywhere, our children will be tempted to worldly demands.

Most people assume that if this country is ruled by DAP, then we will be the next Singapore (?). Some people might breathe easily imagining that because things are not so bad in Singapore. Despite being ruled by Chinese, we still hear the Singaporean Malays praising their government. Some ungrateful Malay Singaporeans who reside in Malay even openly willing to say that the Singapore Government is better than Malaysian Government (?).

If you are one of people who assume as such than you are dead wrong because the PAP situation in dealing with Singaporeans is different if DAP ever rule Malaysia. Any government in the world knows that in order to please its people means cashing out tax-payers money. If the money in the treasury is abundant then all parties can be pleased. So in the case of Singapore where the Malays are only 13.9% from the whole population, the government does have more than enough money to spend on the priority Chinese before spending the surplus on the Malays and other non-Chinese. The Malays there don't know they're only enjoying surplus. Considering the fact that Singapore is smaller, easier to monitor and more cost effective to administer, therefore even if the Singaporean Government only spent 10% on the Malays they're still happy with it.

The situation will be completely different if DAP rule Malaysia. It does not matter how much money we have in the treasury, most of it will have to be spent on the prioritize Non-Malays first, which already consisting of 49.6% of the population (maybe more) and considering that Malaysia is large with 13 states and 3 Federal Territories to foot the bills, then one can imagine that there will not be much left as surplus to be spent on Malays and on Islamic Institutions.

When the ruling government is consisting of those from the MAJORITY ETHNIC then the closest scenario is Malaysia today (not perfect for some but still home sweet home). But when the ruling government is consisting of those from the MINORITY ETHNIC, then the closest modern example should be the South Africa during the days of the apartheid or Ethiopia when ruled by minority ethnic Tigrayan. Other examples are such as when China was ruled by a minority ethnic group the Manchus or during the days when the Balkans were ruled by minority ethnic Serbians.

Actually you can research yourself on what had happened when a country is ruled by minority ethnic. I can assure you most of it does not treat well the majority ethnic.

I'm not trying to be racist or bias here. But that's what history had told us so far about the any country ruled by minority ethnic. And there's no reasonable explanation to it. It's just pure human tendency to rebel against those he perceived responsible for taking over his rights. There' no point arguing about it. That's simply how people think when they dominate the volume but not the governance.

So for the Malays who keep harping on Ketuanan Melayu, please bear in mind that the so-called Ketuanan Melayu remain exists only as long as our cabinet ministers is mostly Malays and our Prime Minister is also a Malay. Once that no longer exists, then our Ketuanan Melayu also will vanish. And for the Non-Malay whom might have read this, just know that Malaysia being taken over by DAP is not another Singapore in the making. A difference in population will create different political outcome. Malaysia being ruled by ethnic minority will not be as peaceful as and better than when it was ruled by UMNO.

The multiracial harmony enjoyed by our elders will not exists if DAP rule this nation. It's not possible unless DAP are willing to spend the taxpayers money towards Malays as much as what UMNO had spent OR if the majority of Malays suddenly love doing business and prosper economically the like of the Chinese Business Community today.
Think about that.

(I write about the Prophecy of the True Cross lain kali lah… Penat)

(daripada arkib peribadi afterdark di